Dimenticati, i
Género: Documentary film
Ano: 1962
Duração: 00:12:00
Descrição: The forgotten are the guests of the “People’s Hotel”, founded by the Salvation Army. It is a hotel for all sorts of needy people; some guests stay for long periods, sometimes many years, while others are just passing through. All these people live day to day and are outsiders to society. Many of them have left their past behind and have forgotten their lives as they themselves have been forgotten.
Fornecedor: Cineteca di Bologna
Direitos: In Copyright / For information about the rights holder please contact Cineteca di Bologna.
Companhia produtora: Cinedelta
Cor: Colour
Director: Di Ciaula, Agostino
Sound: With sound
Tipo de documento:
Colecção: Cineteca di Bologna Film Collection
Language: it